Love Poem XIV: Neruda’s Sublime

The Kugelmass Episodes

(x-posted to The Valve)

ATTENTION ALL READERS: The web now has a bad case of Pablo Neruda. The Anti-Essentialist Conundrum was affected first; among other notables to catch the fever was Petitpoussin at Truly Outrageous, and she has links to a number of sites getting in on the game (actually, this post is coming quite late).

For most people, everything you need can be found right around your house, since Neruda is the kind of writer whose readership extends far beyond avid consumers of poetry. (He has this in common with other writers of sexy, elemental verse, including Rainer Maria Rilke and Mary Oliver. Every copy of Rilke you find in used bookstores has been inscribed to someone.) Yet Neruda is plagued by a curious indexicality, by which I mean our tendency (at least in the English-speaking world of my experience) to share him (“read this!”) without…

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God is the only love that lasts forever!


Where it is dark and I’m afraid of everybody in this world and when there’s unbearable pain and sorrow, when there is no one to cry with or even to share with I feel somebody inside me… When there’s not a single clue of light in my cage, when my shadow leaves ..when my soul cries and aches..
N then when I’m no-more Me.. And you are no-more You..
When there’s no hope and my pain grows and grows that my heart aches and my body shatters as my breath stops.. And when my Self is lost as it never existed .. I find (Him).. I see I’m still alive.. Still alive to experience what I’m experiencing.. Then I see Him so close to Me.. Whatsoever happened he was never mad at me, I breath and breath..And feel he was the one always there for me.. I breath him..When I…

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God is the only love that lasts forever!

When it is dark and I’m afraid of everybody in this world and when there’s unbearable pain and sorrow, when there is no one to cry with or even to share with I feel somebody inside me… When there’s not a single clue of light in my cage, when my shadow leaves ..when my soul cries and aches..
N then when I’m no-more Me.. And you are no-more You..
When there’s no hope and my pain grows and grows that my heart aches and my body shatters as my breath stops.. And when my Self is lost as it never existed .. I find (Him).. I see I’m still alive.. Still alive to experience what I’m experiencing.. Then I see Him so close to Me.. Whatsoever happened he was never mad at me, I breath and breath..And feel he was the one always there for me.. I breath him..When I wasn’t born and when I was and then there were times I was wondering here and there but he was always there to welcome me but I was not aware of him .. He always loved me .. He’s the one I belong to and he’s the actual reality of this and the other world.. All praise be to God!